Data, Insight & Research

Data Visualisation Agencies

Unlock insights and make informed decisions with expert data visualization services—transforming complex data into clear, actionable visuals. Procure once via StudioSpace and get hassle-free access to the best agencies that specialise in Data Visualisation

No subscription fees. No lock-in contracts.

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  • Speed
  • Value
  • Efficiency

Three competitive proposals from your shortlist in five days – with project kick-off straight away through a StudioSpace Statement of Work.

Diagram: StudioSpace proposal process
Insightful decisions

Need agency expertise in data mapping or trend analysis?

Need agency expertise in data mapping or trend analysis? These skills are crucial for brands looking to harness their data for strategic advantage. Data mapping lays out the terrain of your information landscape making it accessible and actionable. Trend analysis predicts shifts in market dynamics ensuring your strategies stay ahead of the curve. Not having these capabilities can leave a brand navigating blindly and missing out on key growth opportunities.

StudioSpace makes it easy to roster specialists with in-depth industry knowledge to tackle complex data and market trends. Under a StudioSpace MSA brands can procure multiple agencies at once under a single umbrella contract that’s backed by our guarantee. Now that’s working at scale.

Our Agencies can Help you With:

  • Dashboard DesignEffective dashboard designs help brands quickly view their performance metrics. This enables faster decision-making and helps track progress towards business goals effectively.
  • Interactive ReportsInteractive reports allow stakeholders to delve deeper into data. This feature enhances understanding and fosters a proactive approach to data-driven challenges and opportunities.
  • Custom VisualizationsCustom visualizations tailor data presentation to the specific needs of a brand. This enhances the relevance and impact of the data presented, making it more actionable.
  • Real-Time Data TrackingReal-time data tracking ensures that brands have access to the latest information. This helps in managing operations dynamically and staying ahead of market trends.
Vetted and verified

Proven Expertise Across Over 30 Major Sectors

  • 9 Family businesses
  • 78 languages spoken
  • 30% of agencies female-founded [with a target of 50%]
  • Over 1,000 awards won

What brands are saying about us

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Marketing Manager
MA Financial Group
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Chief Innovation Officer
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GM - Member Engagement & Innovation
TAL Insurance
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Head of Audience and Brand Growth
News corp
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User Experience Lead
Jaguar Land Rover Group
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Head of Operations
Gala Games

Other market options

Project briefing fee
Subscription fee
$1,000+ monthly
Who's doing the work?
Specialist agencies
Individual freelancers
Founder-run specialists only
Vetted & compliant
ISO 27001 certified
NDAs pre-signed by agencies
Single supplier contract

People Also Asked

What tools are best for data visualization?

For top data visualization tools, Tableau leads with its user-friendly interface. Power BI offers great integration, while Google Data Studio shines for those deeply invested in Google’s ecosystem.

How to choose the right chart type?

Choosing the right chart depends on the data you’ve got and what you want to show. For trends over time, line charts work well. Bar charts are great for comparing quantities across different categories. Pie charts help show parts of a whole. Consider your audience and message to pick the best chart.

How much on average do medium-sized companies spend on Data Visualization?

Medium-sized companies usually spend around $10,000 to $50,000 on data visualization. This cost can vary based on what they need. Some might spend more if they require advanced tools or services.

What are the latest trending topics in Data Visualisation?

The latest trends in data visualization focus on dynamic, interactive graphics and real-time data updates. AI integration boosts analytic capabilities, helping users understand complex patterns easily. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) offer immersive ways to explore data.

What are some common mistakes brands make in Data Visualisation?

Some common mistakes brands make in data visualization include using complex charts that confuse the audience, not aligning the visuals with the target audience’s understanding, and choosing style over clarity. Brands often clutter graphs with too much data, which can obscure key insights. They might also use inappropriate scale or omit labels, making the data hard to interpret correctly.


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  • We've vetted the top 1% of agency talent, so you don't have to
  • Work at scale with teams of agile specialists
  • Trusted by some of the world’s best brands
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Zero subscription fees

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